10 Days Uganda wildlife and mountain rwenzori hiking tour

This 10 days Uganda wildlife and mount rwenzori hiking  safaris  covers two aspects of wildlife viewing at queen Elizabeth national park and  climbing mountain rwenzori

mount rwenzori

Day 1: depart for Kasese through Queen Elizabeth national park.

Guests will be picked up by our driver and driven south west words to Queen Elizabeth national park. You will then have a stopover at the equator statue in along masaka highway  in the west off Kampala the capital while there, guest can have the opportunity to take some photos and have a coffee break as well at the equatorial café.  You will then proceed to Queen Elizabeth and stop for lunch break on the way.

Day 2: Ascend to nyabitaba through the bakonjo route.

After an early morning breakfast at 7:00 am, you will move a few meters from the camp and you will meet porters and guides who will make arrangements with on how to start the hiking journey. On making arrangements, guests will then move through the banana plantation in crossing several bakonjo homesteads towards the foot hills. The trail continues, the movement will follow river Mubuku through the steep slopes and rocks. You will then cross river muhoma by passing the fern covered slopes and the podocarp us forest finally reaching the nyabitaba hut and you will spend a night there.

Day: follow the Nyabitaba hut to john matte hut.

Early in the morning after breakfast at 7:00am, you will then continue with the trail to through the forest below the Bujuku and Mubuku River, moving through the steep slopes in continuing through the moss covered rocks and arriving the  Nyamileju rock shelter. From there one can have an abstract view of the mountain Speke and mountain Stanley. You will  pass through the heath and moorland and in the early afternoon you will arrive at the john matte rock in the afternoon. There you will have lunch and dinner and you will spend a night there before making your next move following the day.

Day 4: Enter the lower bigo bog

Up early in the morning by 7:00am, you leave john matte to Bujuku river crossing it to the lower big bog which is also famous for the presence of giant lobelias you will jump from one tussock to another and finally crossing the tussock. Arriving at the upper big bogo which intern leads you to the Bujuku Lake. There you will be able to see the mountain baker situated in the south and mountain Stanley in the west. You will then have lunch and dinner at the Bujuku.

Day 5: mountain Stanley

After an early morning breakfast, the trail continues from Bujuku transcending through the bog west of the lake. You will passes through the groundsel pass gully as it climbs to the ground Elliot pass. You will then use a metal ladder to climb to the top of the valley which will take you to the steep slopes .later the trail splits up into to one the right leading to Helena hut and mount Stanley on a steep ascent while the left one leading to the Scott Eliot’s pass down slopping to Lake Kitandara. Both meals lunch and dinner will be served at the st Helena pass and you will spend night there.

Day 6: climbing the magherita.

An early breakfast will be served at 7:00 am as you prepare for yet another long trail to reach the summit of the mountain Rwenzori. Depending on the weather condition it can take up to maximum of four hours to reach magherita. its normally a tough walk through the slippery glaciers and extremely cold conditions one ought to put on specific shoes, gloves, head gears and also use ropes to enable them climb to the top at the summit as it requires one to be physically fit. It’s also advisable the climb in a group of 4 containing two climbers and 2 guides.  One climbs they will experience extreme cold condition, thick fog when such conditions begin to surface, it is clear  assign that the peaks is just a few meters away sticking a few steps you will be able to see and touch the stone at the summit which is the crown of Mountain  Rwenzori.

You will then begin another journey descending to Elliot –pass with a clear view of lake Bujuku and mountain Speke. then up to mountain  Stanley moving towards  kitandara lake then  to the alpine area with scanty vegetation and individual rock boulders .you will then slope to the  kitandara hut for dinner and there you will spend a night.

Day 7 day :Climbing the Stanley mountain

After an early breakfast you will climb.

From kitandara, you will follow the guy yeoman hut .spreading out steeply head walls to the mountain baker base and continuing along the side of the mountain to fresh field pass. And when the days are clear you will be able to view Congo laying in the west and mountain Stanley in the North. From the pass you will desced across the muddy terrain to bujangolo rock shelter . Dinner will be served at base camp and you will spend the night there.

Day 8: climb mountain Nyabitaba.

breakfast will be served at 7:00am. You will descent through the rough and muddy over terrain  vertical mud and steep rock until you reach nyabitaba hut where dinner will be served and you will also spend a night.

 Day 9: game viewing activity at queen Elizabeth national park.

Early morning after break fast at 7 :00, you will  continue with the movement downwards  to the nyakalengija trailhead, gentle slope through the muddy path to the trailhead arriving at 5:00am.

You will then have lunch at Kasese at any of the immediate restaurants in which you have a feast on the local dishes. After having lunch, you will immediately depart to the for Queen Elizabeth national while viewing the different wildlife on your way. Possibly with time, you will be able to go for a boat cruise at Kazinga channel and at the shore line you will view elephant, hippos, buffalos giraffes and multiple bird species along the shores drinking water.  You then get back to your lodge for dinner and spend a night there.

Day 10: Return to Kampala.

After breakfast you will  8:00am  you will depart for Kampala going for an early morning game drive at queen Elizabeth park. And finally you will proceed to kampala/Entebbe.

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