Ndere Island National Park

Situated on one of the islands in Lake Victoria, Ndere Island National Park is a haven of tranquility and beauty. It boasts breathtaking views of the amazing flora and fauna, as well as the delightful scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers.

ndere island National park

Accessible by boat from Lake Victoria’s shoreline, Ndere Island National Park is located on an island within Africa’s largest inland lake, Lake Victoria.

Situated on the picturesque Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest inland lake, lies the park on an island. It is reachable by boat from the lake’s shores, which span 4.2 square kilometers.

The main reason Ndere Island National Park was created in 1986 was to provide a haven for the unique wildlife species that live on the coast of Lake Victoria.

The national park of Ndere Island’s climate

The park has a hot, muggy temperature due to its closeness to the lake. Ideally, make a park

Things to Do and See at the National Park of Ndere Island

Ndere Island National Park attractions


The park is home to a wide variety of species, but the biggest draws for tourists are the Nile crocodiles, hippos, and impalas. Reptiles like the puff adder and python, groups of monkeys, baboons, antelopes, zebras, warthogs, and waterbucks that may be observed in the park’s marshes are among the numerous wildlife species that can be found there. Aardvarks and monitor lizards are among the other creatures in the park.

hippos in ndere island national park

The park’s primary wildlife draws are fish eagles, hippos, impalas, and butterflies. Along with watching lizards, you will also see aardvarks.

Wildlife Birds

With over 100 species identified, the park is home to an enormous number of birds, including Green-backed Heron, Black stork, African Open-billed stork, Hadada Ibis, Egyptian Goose, Osprey, Black kite, Banded Snake Eagles, Common (Steppe) Buzzard, African Fish Eagle, Helmeted Guinea Fowl, and Long-tailed Cormorant.

birds in ndere island national park

Vegetables Great Cormorant Bird

The park is located on a picturesque island that is home to grasslands, primarily made up of native Loundentia natalensis grass, which becomes brown after flowering, giving the area a brownish appearance.

A variety of native shrub species, including Carissa adulis, dovyalisx, macro calyx, and euclea Divinorim, among others, which are listed as endangered in Africa, predominate in the park as well.

The park is made up of vast forests that stretch from the lakeshore to the park’s highest point, offering beautiful trekking opportunities. Papyrus reeds are also widely distributed along the shoreline, making it a beautiful place to go birdwatching.

Activities in Ndere Island National Park

Trekking the gently sloping Homa hills

Hikers will find the park to be an excellent place to enjoy hiking. It is made up of well-marked walking routes that wind through the Homa Hills and provide stunning views of the surrounding area as well as far-off views of Lake Victoria, the Homa Hills, and Magere Island.

observing birds

With an abundance of birds estimated to be over 100 different species, Ndere Island National Park is a fantastic place to go birdwatching. The park’s plains are primarily covered in grasslands. African fish eagles, black-headed gonolek, grey-headed kingfishers, green-backed herons, black storks, banded snake eagles, Eurasian Marsh Harriers, Booted Eagles, black crakes, and Helmeted Guineafowls are a few of the birds to watch for while bird watching at the park.

Boat Tours

Boat trips are arranged and provided by the park on the waters of Lake Victoria. This experience gives visitors the ability to explore the lake and enjoy seeing fishermen at work.

Recreational Fishing

One of the most enjoyable safari activities in the park is spot fishing, which is conducted on the waters of Lake Victoria at specific locations. Boats are prepared days in advance for sport fishing excursions.

Watching Games

The exciting experience of game viewing in Ndere Island National Park gives you the chance to see a variety of creatures that call the park and Lake Victoria home, including hippos, impalas, rare sitatunga antelopes, monkeys, baboons, impalas, snakes, and fish.

Ndere Island National Park entrance fees

Group: Citizens (Ksh)Non-Residents in USD$
600 25 Adults 350 15 Children

How to reach the National Park of Ndere Island

The park is accessible from Nairobi and Kisumu and is situated on Ndere Island, one of the islands in Lake Victoria in Western Kenya, approximately 350 kilometers from Nairobi.

You will travel from Nairobi to Kisumu, the third-largest city in Kenya, either by domestic flight or by bus, which takes around 6 hours to reach. Wilson Airstrip to Kisumu International Airport is about a 45-minute flight from Nairobi.

You will take a taxi from Kisumu to Bao Beach, which is 12 kilometers away. From Bao Beach, it will take you 45 minutes to travel by motorboat across the short distance to Ndere Island.

As an alternative, you can go 45 minutes by boat directly from Kisumu City to Ndere Island.

Accommodations at the National Park on Ndere Island

There are several lodging alternatives in the park that provide visitors on a Kenya safari with lodging as well as other necessary amenities and safaris. These possibilities include

the Rock Resort at Bao Campsite
Among these are the Hydeout Riviera Sunset Hotel, Hotel Pikadili, Kiboki Bay Resort, Dunga Resort, Kisumu Resort, Parkview Safari Hotel, and Milimani Beach Resort.

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