Nakayima Tree

The beautiful Nakayima tree is believed to have supernatural powers. It is said to have healing powers and good health.

The Nakayima tree in Mubende district is believed to have powers to cure and prevent problems.

The tree which is believed to be 650 years old has been named after Princess Nakayima, who was a royal princess and lived in the hills before disappearing into the tree. with such rich information in ancestry the tree has turned out to become a huge attractions both to the locals and foreign tourists, the locals associate it with spirituality thereby they seek healing from their problems from the tree and they also ask for blessings. the tree itself is too big hence having large buttress roots that stretch for a long distance creating formations that look like a cave that has 18 openings, where the people that come to seek solace sit. other people that turn up can seat on the grass while other caty their mats along.

The legend of the Chwezi tree states that King Ndahura passed out many of his traditional rituals using this tree. It is also believed that the tree never loses its leaves.

nakayima tree

The Nakayima tree, which is full of mystery, is said to have water that sips out of its stem and is believed to cure some diseases.

The tree has 18 compartments and prayer rooms. Some of these are Ndaura the king of the Chwezi Empire, Jajja Mukasa, and Kilunda.

A care taker holds a bigali and a basket for an offertory to Nakayaima. Legend has it that this place was where Jajja Nakayima is buried.

Thousands of people from all walks of life visit the Nakayima Hill to seek solutions to their problems.

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