Masai mara park  entry fees 2024 – 2025

Masai mara park entry fees 2024 – 2025 : Masai Mara National Reserve is the most well-known safari destination in Kenya and is renowned for being home to a vast population of wildlife, including the Big 5, as well as the yearly wildebeest migration. For more information on Masai Mara Reserve entry fees and park rules.

Note that the masai mara park fees has been revised from  100 usds per person foregn non residen effective Januaury -June 2024 and  effective July onwords, the fees will be 200usds per person valid for 24 hours.

One of the most popular tourist attractions in Kenya is the Masai Mara National Reserve, which is managed by Tans-Mara County and Narok County. This organization is in charge of creating and implementing the Maasai Mara National Reserve’s entry fees and guidelines.


entry costs

Entry costs to the Masai Mara national reserve are assessed based on where you will be staying during your safari (a camp or safari lodge).

The following entrance fees apply if you are staying at a lodging facility inside Masai Mara National Reserve.

Adult USD 80
Child/student USD 45

When  you a foreign nonresident  intending to sleep  in a safari lodge or accommodation outside the park, the rates are as follows

Adult USD 200
Child/student USD 50

The Mara Conservancy, which is located in the western corridor of the Masai Mara National Reserve, and the Narok side of the main reserve are also subject to the levies.


One individual must pay these fees, which are valid for 24 years.

Children under the age of 18 are regarded as paying at the children’s rate.


Masai Mara National Reserve accepts payments in US dollars and Kenya shillings. Additional cashless payment options include Visa, MasterCard, and the local Mpesa phone payment system in Kenya.

Kenyan citizens and residents must have valid identification and evidence of residency with them when making payments. Residents who are not foreign nationals must also have a current passport on them as identification.

Tickets can be purchased in advance using pre-payment options through the KAPS firm, which has an office on Longonot Road in Upper Hill, Nairobi, near the Kato Office.

Narok county , Talet, Sekanani and oloolaimutia gates   entry fees ( masai mara national Reserve

ADULT US$ 70 US$ 80 Ksh 1,200 Ksh 1,000
CHILD US$ 40 US$ 45 Ksh 500 Ksh 300
STUDENT US$ 40 Ksh 500 Ksh 300

The best way to access some of the well-known lodging options (lodges and camps) catering tourists visiting Masai Mara National Reserve is through Sekenani Gate, which is situated inside the reserve. Sarova Mara Camp, Keekorok Lodge, Governors Camp (main), Ol Moran Camp, Mara Explorer Camp, Mara Leisure Camp, Fig Tree Camp, Mara Intrepids Camp, Mara Simba Lodge, and Sand River Masai Mara Camp are just a few of the lodging options available.

Residents of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi are subject to resident rates. Visitors who are nationals of the aforementioned nations must show a valid passport or the National ID for Kenyan citizens. When entering the reserve, residents who are not Kenyan citizens must provide a valid passport, a work permit, or the necessary visa as identification of their residence status. Tourists are forced to pay the non-resident charges if they do not have a valid passport or national ID.

Persons under 3 are admitted free of charge, and children ages 3 to 11 are subject to child rates.

Students must be visiting the reserve on a pre-arranged school-organized trip or for research authorized by the ticketing office of the Masai Mara reserve located in Narok. Student rates are only applicable to persons up to the age of 23 and are only a trip sponsored by a recognized educational institution. To take advantage of the student discounts, students must request authorization from the reserve’s administration at least two weeks before their visit.

Camping Charges

CATEGORY Non-Residents East African Residents East African Citizens
Public campsite Private campsite Public campsite Private campsite Public campsite Private campsite
Adult US$ 30 US$ 40 KES 1,000 KES 1,500 KES 1000 KES 1,000
Children US$20 US$ 20 KES 200 KES 500 KES 200 KES 200
Student US$20 US$ 20 KES 200 KES 500 KES 200 KES 200

In the Masai Mara National Reserve, campgrounds are divided into two categories: private campgrounds and public campgrounds.

The campgrounds at Eluai, Iseiya, and Oloololo are open to the public.

Ndovu, Dirisha, Kijito, Kishanga, and Kiboko are a few examples of private campgrounds.

For campers, there are two options for making reservations: either directly through or through your preferred tour operator, Focus East Africa tours.

A booking fee of Ksh 10,000 is necessary for those who want to stay at a private campsite.

Fees for Masai Mara vehicle entry

Less Than 6 Seats Ksh 400
6 – 12 Seats Ksh 1,000
13 – 24 Seats Ksh 3,000
24 – 44 Seats Ksh 4,000
45 Seats And Above Ksh 5,000
1 – 3 Tons Ksh 700
4 – 7 Tons Ksh 2,500
8 Tons And Above Ksh 3,500

Ranger charges

It is a requirement for campers at private campgrounds to hire two rangers for nighttime protection, and rangers are driven to and from your campsite. There is no need to provide the rangers with food or lodging.

Game Drive (+6hrs) Ksh 3,000
Game Drive (-6hrs) Ksh 1,500
Full Night Camp Security Ksh 4,000

Single-Aircraft Landing Fees

Depending on the carrying capacity, Masai Mara charges a landing fee for any aircraft that lands there. Land fees can be paid at the KAPS Office in Nairobi with checks made out to the Mara Conservancy.

Up To 3 Seats Ksh 300
3 – 6 Seats Ksh 500
7 – 14 Seats Ksh 1,000
15 – 20 Seats Ksh 2,000
21 Seats And Above Ksh 3,000

Other Fees

Ballooning Landing Fee (Per Person Per Landing) US$ 50 US$ 20
Horse Riding Fee (Per Horse Per Day) Ksh 1,500
Annual Research Permits (Non-Resident) US$ 400

Masai Mara National Reserve such as Mara North Conservancy, Mara Naboisho, Olare Motorogi, Ol Kinyei & Enonkishu Conservancies, as well as other conservancies and game ranches bordering the reserve charge admission fees.

Adult US$ 80 -120 Ksh 1,000 – 2000 Ksh 1,000 – 2000
Child*** US$ 45 -75 Ksh 500-1500 Ksh 300-1000


Park Laws and regulations 

To ensure that visitors to the Masai Mara national reserve have an incredible safari experience without putting themselves or the area’s wildlife in danger, regulations have been put in place. Please follow the rules and directions of the reserve’s rangers, who are there to safeguard the tourists, wildlife, and environment, while you are visiting the Masai Mara national reserve. These laws comprise.

Please drive at a distance of 50 km/h on graded roads and 30 km/h on other reserve routes.

  • Always be cautious with animals.
  • In high traffic areas and river zones, never drive off-road.
  • Maintain graded roads and cut tracks in the aforementioned zones.
  • For seeing large cats, off-roading is permitted in the Low Use Zone.
  • Clapping, screaming, and other pointless behaviors are not permitted within the reserve.
  • At the places where rivers are crossed, lighting from vehicles is not permitted.
  • Do not stand or sit on vehicles while in the reserve.
  • Stay away from the Tanzanian border.
  • Do not chase, follow or harass animals
  • Littering is not allowed in the reserve
  • No more than 5 vehicles at wildlife sightings
  • Leave the reserve or get to your camp or accommodation by 7:00pm

If you disregard the rules and ordinances of the reserve or the rangers assigned to safeguard the environment and species there, you risk breaking them. Rangers are entitled by law to

impose a Ksh 10,000 fine right now.

Remove the car and everyone inside of it from the park right away.

Have a vehicle or people immediately barred from the reserve

Default On Payment Or Park Entry Fee A) Motor Vehicle = Ksh 2,000 Per Entry
B) Driver = Ksh 2,000
C) Repeat Default = Ksh 4,000
Possesion Of Invalid Ticket Ksh 3,000 Per Person
Pff-Road Driving Ksh 10,000
Animal Harassment Ksh 10,000
Littering Inside The Park Ksh 500
Illegal Grazing A) Cattle = Ksh 2,000 Each
B) Sheep/Goats = Ksh 50 Each

Note: Before leaving the reserve, you must pay any fines at the rangers’ office. Make sure to get a receipt for your payment. Depending on the infraction, failure to pay the penalty may result in expulsion from the Masai Mara national reserve for a period of six months.

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