How much does gorilla trekking cost?

How much does gorilla trekking cost?  This question pretty much gets asked severally by many travelers who are adventure loving and would love to take part in this bewildering   activity referred to as gorilla trekking.  For those you want to gain more insight, gorilla trekking is an adventurous activity carried out in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo.  Gorilla trekking involves driving to the gorilla trekking area and   hiking into jungles in search for the habituated mountain gorillas, the excitement is not only derived in seeing or meeting with the gentle giants / the gorillas but rather in the entire process from the time you delve into the jungles to the time you meet them.

gorilla trekking in Bwindi

Mountain gorillas or botanically Gorilla Beringei Beringei a sub species of eastern gorillas   that were recently labelled by international Union of conservation of Nature in the year 2018, Mountain gorillas are found in Virunga national park Congo, Volcanoes national park in Rwanda, Bwindi impenetrable forest national park in Uganda and Mgahinga gorilla national park still in south Western part of Uganda.  So of the primatologist still find have doubts stipulating that Mountain gorillas in Bwindi and different from the rest of the national parks mentioned in this article, but needless to say all previous research shows that they are of the same species.

Gorilla trekking cost.

For one to take part in gorilla trekking, he or she ought to obtain a special permit called the gorilla trekking permit, which grants   the access to the gorilla trekking as an activity, the special permit is issued by the respective Authorities in charge of conservation.  For the case of Uganda, the body involved is Uganda wildlife Authority, Rwanda development Board for Rwanda permits and Visit Virunga for Democratic Republic of Congo.  In Uganda gorilla trekking permit costs 700$ for foreign nonresidents, 600$ for foreign residents and Ugx 250,000 for East African citizens.  Rwanda, gorilla trekking permits cost for 1500$ per permit in Congo, the gorilla trekking permits in Congo go for 450$.

gorilla trekking cost

Gorilla habituation experience.

Gorilla habituation in simple terms refers to the process by which wild gorillas and trained or tamed to get used to seeing human presence around them, the activity involves conservationist, tracker, rangers among other.  The gorilla habituation takes up to 2-3 years to complete and entire cycle.  The activity is only conducted in Uganda and it was recently enacted by Uganda wildlife Authority and its restricted to only four individuals a day hence justifying why it should be booked several months prior so one can have a spot.  Unlike the gorilla trekking exercise that grants the trekkers 1 hour to be with the gorillas upon seeing them, gorilla habituation grants you four hours upon seen the gorillas hence justifying its price of 1500$ per permit.

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