Crescent Island wildlife Sactuary

Bits About crescent Island.
Crescent Island Wildlife Sanctuart: One of the most beautiful freshwater lakes in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, Lake Naivasha, is home to Crescent Island, a picturesque and breathtaking animal refuge. Discover Crescent Island, a picturesque and secluded spot to visit during your next daring safari in Kenya. The Island is a peninsula that is only reachable via boat transfer across Lake Naivasha, which is enclosed by the lake’s waters. Any time of day is a good time to visit Crescent Island. While there, enjoy a picnic lunch and take in the breathtaking scenery and wildlife that calls the island home, including jackals, giraffes, pelicans, cormorants, and other water birds as well as animals like gazelles, impalas, wildebeests, Dik-Dik, jackals, zebras, hippos, and waterbucks.

Crescent Island wildlife Sactuary

How to get  there

As previously said, the only way to get to Crescent Island is by boat transfer. Numerous companies offer boat transportation services to and from Crescent Island. The Island is surrounded by water, so depending on where you are, you will have to pay for a boat journey to get there. You can take one from the east or the west. But bear in mind that the only money due during the transfer is for the boat transport; entrance fees are only due when you arrive at Crescent Island’s entrance. You have the option to add a one-hour boat ride around the stunning Lake Naivasha to your boat trip to Crescent Island. The Lake Naivasha Country Club, Buffalo Boat Safari, Marina Boat Safaris, 45 Beach (Kimani), Stanley, Lake Naivasha Sopa Lodge, Hippo Safaris, Camp Carnelleys, and others are a few of the suggested firms that provide boat transportation to Crescent Island. There is no set cost for the boat transfer to and from the island; instead, costs vary between $20 and $50 depending on the operator.

Crescent Island wildlife Sactuary

Entry  Fees to Crescent Island Game Sanctuary

These Crescent Island entrance fees are valid from the end of June 2022 to the year 2021. However, these prices are subject to alter at any time and without warning;


Foreign Nonresidents  (US $) 


Foreign Residents/ East African Residents (KES) Citizens 




1,000 800
Child 15 500 400
Student 20 500 400

Students/ pupils 

Groups of primary students pay 250 KES per student, groups of secondary school students pay 350 KES per student, groups of teachers pay 450 KES per teacher, and groups of guide/driver students pay 500 KES. In certain situations, a mail-order reservation must be made in advance in order to plan this Crescent Island excursion.

It’s important to remember that Every day, Crescent Island opens at 9:00 am and closes at 5:00 pm.
Payment of entry fees is REQUIRED at the Island.
At Crescent Island, pets are not permitted.
There are a few tour guides on Crescent Island, so availability will rely on a first-come, first-served basis. They are free of charge, but you are welcome to tip them to show your appreciation for their hard work.
It is recommended that you depart from the island by 5 p.m.
As of right now, Crescent Island does not have any lodging options, therefore overnight stays are not possible. The only meal you can eat is a packed picnic.
In summary,

Overall, Crescent Island continues to be the most enchanting and fruitful place you will ever go on your trip in Kenya. In actuality, it is also possible to choose to go on a one-day safari from Nairobi to Hell’s Gate National Park, Lake Naivasha, and Crescent Island. The island is the ideal location for walking safaris, where you may stroll among grazing giraffes, wildebeests, zebras, and many other animals. The location is also excellent for individuals who like to meditate, take pictures, go birdwatching, and enjoy many other activities while taking in the serene atmosphere of this unspoiled Crescent Island. Come discover the real meaning of wilderness in Africa in a serene setting with clean air.

The Game Sanctuary on Crescent Island
Wildlife of Crescent Island Game Sanctuary
“As you get ready for this adventure, don’t hesitate to contact our knowledgeable tour operators to arrange your trip to Crescent Island and any other custom safari to Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.”

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