Boma national park
Boma national park is apparently the largest national park in south Sudan, situated in eastern part of South Sudan bordering the Ethiopia. Boma national park was established in the year 1977 and cover an area of 22,800 km2 an area that is covered mostly with the grassland and flood plains. The major attraction in boma national park is definitely the huge wildlife diversity that it holds composed of different wildlife species.
Boma national park tour
Boma national park has got several attractions that have from time to time attracted the unique visitors from all walks to of life to simply enjoy the splendor that the park exudes. Given boma national parks size and is location in the South Sudan boarder with Ethiopia, the park is home to three of the big five animals to mention elephants, buffaloes and African leopards. Besides the mentioned three of the big five, boma national park also boasts of other wildlife species to mention maneless zebras,Nubian giraffes, oryx, water bucks, grants gazelle, lesser kudu, bongo,lelwel hartebeest, common elands, giant elands, nile lechwe a rare species of antelope.
Boma national park also offers a wide range of variety of wildlife species to view by the tourists who visit the park. The park is famous for the white eared kobs (Kobus kob leucotis) whose population is huge as well their migration that can only be comparable or even more massive than the great wildebeest migration in Serengeti national park and masai mara in Tanzania and Kenya respectively.

The white eared migration in boma national park is a such a huge attraction that those who haven’t experienced it should be inquisitive to find out or even go on a safari to boma national park to have a glimpse of such a huge annual wildlife exodus. The UNEPI study shows the white eared kobs are found in the east of the Nile River in South Sudan, in the clay plains and the wetlands with a more vivid population constituted in boma national park.
The white eared kobs are also found outside the protected areas. The routes of the the white eared kobs have been marked and their movements is triggered by factors ranging from the dry and wet seasons. The frequent flooding during the wet season pushes them to the drier’s areas. their movements to the drier areas sometimes possess a huge risk to them as they are exposed poaching by the local population who hunt them for their meat. This however makes risky in terms of the population.
Besides the wildlife, boma national park is also well endowed with several birds species, therefore making such a birding watching spot. The birds in boma national park range from water birds , savanna birds and migratory birds. Some of notable birds species that can be traces in the park include the ruppels vulture , black chested snake eagle