Kidepo Valley National Park is destination with animals in all shades and colors.  Large herds of mammals of different species, roam the beautiful grasslands and woodlands of Kidepo. The numbers may have reduced during the 1980s Uganda political upheavals and some species like rhinos hunted to extinction, Kidepo still is home to more than seventy mammal species. Some of the wildlife species are so unique and only sighted in Kidepo Valley on tour into Uganda; cheetah, maneless zebras, kudus, oryx, gazelle to name a few. Often mammal species sightings on Uganda safari to Kidepo are lions, leopards, elephants, giraffes, elands, roan antelopes, stripped hyenas, jackals, hyenas, zebras, reedbucks, waterbucks, Uganda kobs and possibly the largest herds in number of buffalos.


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