Best shoebill spots in Uganda

Best shoe bill spots in Uganda : Uganda is home to one of the most fascinating birds in the world, the shoebill stork.

The shoebill stork is a great example of a king whale-head. Its massive head makes it very easy to stand on floating vegetation.

There are numerous bird spots in Uganda that can be used to see the shoebill stork. Most of these are in the Murchison Falls National Park and the Nile River Delta.

Aside from the park, visitors can also experience the magic of birding in the Mabamba swamp. This area is home to the famous African bush bird, the tukukuk.

This bird can be commonly found in areas where it can be commonly found, such as the southern end of Lake Edward, rugogo swamps,lake Mburo national park, and the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary.

Uganda is home to about 1,100 bird species, making it one of the most bird-friendly destinations in the world.

You may also visit other rare species while birding in Uganda such as the papyrus gonalek found places such as the mabamba swamps.

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