Chimpanzee trekking in kibale national park

Chimpanzee trekking in kibale national park : Uganda’s Kibale Forest National Park is the best chimpanzee trekking in Africa as it is home to the highest population of Chimpanzee population and is also one of the most visited parks in Uganda, Kibale National Park also referred to as “Primate Capital” is one of the best primate destinations in the world with over 5,000 chimpanzees.

Kibale National Park is located in Western Uganda in the districts of Kibale and Kabarole, the park was established in 1995 primarly to protect the wildlife living in the thicket forests and stop illegal logging which had been taking place for years.

Kibale National Park dubbed as Africa’s Primate Capital is home to 13 different primate species thriving in the 191,700 acre of forest jungle, primates in Kibale Forest include the red-tailed monkey, red and white colobus monkey, blue monkey, L’Hoest’s monkey, olive baboon and galago species (bush babies).

About Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees are the closest relatives to man sharing over 98% of our DNA, they are mainly found in West, Central and East Africa. Chimpanzees are social animals living in communities or families of about 100 individuals, each community is led by a dominant make who ensures that the hierarchies within the group are maintained while providing support to all the other members of the family. The fascinating part about their families is that the reign of the dominant male depends on the support of the females in the family, this is because the females only mate with the Alpha male.

They are also highly intelligent and their intelligence comes second to only humans in the primate family (meaning they are the most intelligent among primates). While communicating, chimpanzees use complex body language, barks, hoots and pants to communicate their emotions, they also use facial expressions.

kibale chimpanee trekking

A chimp can weigh up to 70 kilograms and have a life expectancy of about 60 years while in captivity.

Chimpanzees largely feed on fruits, flowers and insects, they also feed on meat on antelopes and other small primates, chimpanzees can attack and feast on leopards.

Chimpanzee trekking Experience in Kibale National Park

Kibale National Park hosts a huge population of chimpanzees with over 1,500 chimpanzees, chimpanzee trekking experience starts as early as 08:00 am with briefing at the park’s Visitor Center in Kanyanchu. In the briefing, you are taken through the rules and regulations to follow during the trek and while in the presence of the chimpanzees.

In groups of 6 people you are assigned a family to trek and head to the starting point with guides and armed rangers. Chimpanzee trekking takes approximately 30 minutes – 4 hours depending on the movements of the chimpanzees, you will have an hour of being in their presence and observe their behavior and interactions. You are also allowed to take pictures.

The Cost of Chimpanzee Trekking in Kibale National Park

A chimpanzee permit in Kibale National Park costs US$ 200 for international tourists (Non – residents), US$ 100 For Residents and only UGX 100,000 for Ugandans and East African Community Residents.

Chimpanzee Trekking Rules and Regulations

  • Only trekkers of 12 years of age and above are allowed to take part in chimpanzee trekking, this is because a child of 12 years and above is old enough, fit enough and able to follow instructions from ranger.
  • Only 6 people are allowed to track each chimpanzee group per session, this is because too many unfamiliar faces may get the chimpanzee to be nervous and agitated
  • Visitors should listen and follow all the instructions from your guide as they understand the chimpanzees quiet well and know why talking about are.
  • No food is allowed in the presence of chimpanzees
  • Chimpanzee are more predictable creatures and visitors are advised to keep a distance of about 8 meters from the nearest chimpanzee
  • No flash photography is allowed while in the presence of chimpanzees  

chimpanzee trekking

Packing List for Chimpanzee Trekking in Kibale National Park

To have a memorable chimpanzee trekking experience in Kibale National Park, you need to have the right equipments and items, we recommend the following items which should not miss in your packing list.

A back Pack

A light backpack will be used to carry all your important items such as cameras, binoculars, snack and spare clothes.

Hiking boots

You need well – fitting and comfortable hiking boots, they also need to be sturdy with good traction and water resistant. Remember you will be climbing through slippery and muddy slopes.

Clothing and stockings

All the clothings to bring should be suitable for cold weather including a rain jacket, sweater, long sleeved shorts and t-shirts and long trousers for protection from sharp grass and insect bite. If possible bring water resistant stockings which can also dry quickly.

Insect Repellents

Carry effective insect repellent as there are all kinds of insects in the tropical rain forests of Kibale, most of the bites from these insects can cause illness such as malaria from mosquitoes.

Camera and Binoculars

You need a good camera to capture special moments with the chimpanzees and a good pair of binoculars to see things from a far, your binoculars should be able to zoom to far distances.

Drinking and energizers

Chimpanzee trekking is a strenuous activity that is why you should carry enough water and energy giving eats such as chocolates.

Best Time for Chimpanzee Trekking in Kibale National Park

Kibale National Park can be visited all year-round, however since it is a tropical rainforests and situated just north of the equator you can expect rain at any time of the year. Because of this, the best time to visit the park is between June and August which is a dry season and coincides with the High Season.

In this period of the year, it is hot with little rain showers, also the trails used during chimpanzee trekking are relatively dry thus making the experience a bit easier.

In April and May, you can expect a lot of rain showers and the trails become muddy and slippery.

How to get to Kibale National Park

Kibale National Park can be reached by road and by air.

By road – from Kampala – the capital of Uganda, Kibale national park is accessed using several routes that is Kampala – Fort Port highway via Mityana and Mubende and Kampala – Fort Portal via Mbarara – Ibanda – Kamwengye.

By air – domestic flights to Kibale National Park are offered from either Kajjansi Airstrip or Entebbe International Airport to Kasese airstrip and then connect to the park by road.

Where to stay in Kibale National Park

Kibale National park has several accommodation options ranging from budget, midrange to luxury options, these accommodations are situated inside and outside of the park and they include

  • Primate Lodge
  • Crater Safari Lodge
  • Chimpanzee Forest Guest House
  • Chimpundu Lodge
  • Kibale Forest Camp
  • Jungle Lodge
  • Papaya Lake Lodge
  • Kaninga Lodge
  • Ndali Lodge
  • Isunga Lodge

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