4 Days Kisumu Kenya Safari

Kisumu: Capital of the Kenya’s Nyanza Province

4 Days Kisumu Kenya Safari. Kisumu is the 3rd largest city in Kenya and capital of Kenya’s Nyanza Province. It is the port city in western Kenya, founded in 1901 as the main inland terminal of Uganda Railways and is the second most important city after Kampala in greater Lake Victoria Basin.

Ndere Island National Park

Kisumu has a number of tourist attractions

Kisumu has a number of tourist attractions such as the Kisumu Museum which contains pavilions with aquaria, terrarium, exhibits, a snake pit, weaponry, Jewellery and farm tools of people of Nyanza’s province. There is an exhibition of the Bergidala that explains the origin of the Luo, their migration to western Kenya, traditional healing points and full scale recreation of a traditional homestead.

Kisumu Impala Sanctuary and Hippo Point

There is the Kisumu Impala Sanctuary which is a small wildlife that preserves impala, reptiles, birds as well as caged baboons and leopards. There is a Hippo Point for watching the hippos of Lake Victoria in the Sunset.

Kit Mikayi, a large rock with 3 rocks on top is also a tourist attraction. Kisumu is served by Kisumu Airport from Nairobi and an excellent road network.

Itinerary – Kisumu Kenya Safari

Day 1: Kampala – Kisumu

Leave Kampala for Kisumu by road. Once you are in Kisumu, transfer you to your hotel for check in and briefing of the itinerary. We will customize or tailors make your hunting safari which will include a boating excursion on Lake Victoria.

Day 2: Kisumu – Ndere Island National Park

After breakfast trek to the lake shore or the yacht club, then take a boat to Ndere Island National Park. According to Luo legendary story Ndere (meeting place) is where Mikaye the mother of the Luo rested after a long journey down the Nile to Lake Victoria before reaching her home Kit – Mikaye. The day is spent in search of the lake’s largest crocodiles, Hippos, monitor lizards, birds, water antelopes etc. Enjoy fishing and taste your catch for dinner. Lunch in the lake on the boat. Overnight stay at Kiboko Bay Tented lodge or at Sunset hotel in Kisumu.

Day 3: Kisumu – Full Day

After breakfast, drive to the yacht club where you will take your boat to the lake for fishing and visiting the Kiboko Bay Beach Resort for seeing the hippos, you will then join the fishermen at Dunga beach for further fishing expeditions till evening. Lunch at Kiboko Bay. Dinner and overnight stay at Sunset Hotel or Kiboko Bay Tented beach lodge.

Day 4: Kisumu – Nairobi

In the morning after breakfast explore the Lake shore and then transfer back to Nairobi by flight or by road. This itinerary can be tailor made to continue to other areas of interest as per the requirement of the client.

End of 4 Days Kisumu Kenya Safari

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