13 Days Rwanda and Tanzania Safari

13 Days Rwanda and Tanzania Safari :You can’t get enough of Tanzania Safari, Always ask for more and More we offer to our prestigious guests,  Select Adventure Safaris  and travels 13 Days Tanzania Safari is just the best way to travel offering you most of Africa’s Great wildlife wonders, having plenty of time to unwind, bond and Fail in love with the Wild-Jungle paradise.

Having Game drives all through the top parks of Africa sighting great Wildebeest Migrations, spotting beautifully coloured Flamingos, and other Bird species, hike to the great Ngorogoro crater regions, Visiting the Land of a thousand Hills in Rwanda.

For a breathtaking experience of Mountain Gorillas, Chimps and amazing special primates of Africa. Crowing the Africa safari with great relaxation in great comfort with unbeatable fresh ambiance of Safari Lodges.

Make your travel goals A reality Travel with Select Adventure Safaris 

Day 1 – Manyara

At 8:00 am you will be picked up from Moshi or Arusha by your safari guide. From there you will be driven through town to Manyara National Park. On this 3 hour drive, you will get a chance to see the inner city as well as the more rural areas before reaching the gates of the park.

Within minutes of entering the park, you will be met with the beautiful soda lake of Manyara where you can watch the day unfold.

After a few hours of watching playful gazelle and colorful birdlife, you’ll be ready for a break! Lunch will be served in the park after which you will continue your search for more wildlife…perhaps a lion is waiting in a tree for you?

Before sundown, you will head to your accommodation for some much-needed rest and a warm meal.

Day 2 and 3 – Serengeti

13 Days Tanzania Safari With no time to lose, you will head straight to Serengeti National Park after breakfast. The next two days of your safari will be spent in the vast and versatile Serengeti. The drive to Serengeti itself will lead you through areas rich in native fauna and flora so you won’t be lacking in game viewing on route.

On these days, your guide will serve you lunch in the park and show you all there is to see in the Serengeti, from the tiny warthogs to the impressive lions.

You will spend the next three nights in the Serengeti, with spectacular sunsets to rival any!

Day 4 – Serengeti to Ngorongoro Crater

13 Days Tanzania Safari In the morning, you’ll start your day with the birds, rising before the sun! After a warm breakfast, hop in your vehicle and experience the Serengeti at dawn.

When you’ve had your fill of the wide plains of the Serengeti you will be driven out of the park and onto your next big adventure in the Ngorongoro Crater!

Your final night in the wilds of Tanzania will be spent on the outskirts of the crater. A warm meal and a calming atmosphere will invigorate you for your final day of safari!

Day 5 – The Ngorongoro Crater

Your final day of safari dawns, and it’s time to descend 600 m into the crater for more spectacular game viewing. The crater will take your breath away with its beauty.

Before you know it, your stomach will be growling at you reminding you that it’s lunchtime! Lunch will be served at a beautifully scenic lakeshore where you can watch Hippo’s play while you eat your sandwiches.

Climb back onto your vehicle and head out in search of wildlife again! The Crater is known for its high concentration of exciting animals, in no time you will be witnessing more spectacular sites as your driver hunts down anything you didn’t see before lunch

As your last day of game viewing comes to an end, you will leave the park and drive back to Arusha or Moshi for a flight to Rwanda where you will continue with a primate safari. 13 Days Tanzania Safari 

Day 6: Kigali

Arrive at Kigali Airport. Meet and greet with your guide and transfer to your hotel to relax after your journey.

Day 7: Kigali – Butare – Nyungwe Forest National Park

Transfer to Butare (Huye) where it is possible to visit the National Museum and Nyanza Hill. Afterwards transfer to Nyungwe Forest.

Day 8: Nyungwe Forest National Park

Early morning, Chimpanzee tracking in Nyungwe Forest.  Later in the day walk to the waterfall or visit to the Angolan Black Colobus monkeys. Nyungwe Forest is East Africa’s largest forest, with 13 monkey species, including chimpanzees, Angolan Black Colobus, Mona Monkey and Owl Faced Monkeys.

Day 9: Nyungwe Forest National Park

Go for a nature walk or bird watching, the primate walk, or the canopy walk. These are all optional activities that one can decide to do on this day as we still keep within the forest.

Day 10: Nyungwe Forest National Park – Kibuye

Transfer to Kibuye by the shores of Lake Kivu. Relax at the shores of this beautiful lake. It is possible to make a walk along the lake or visit a vying village or make an optional boat trip on the lake. This is a day to keep away the tiresomeness of the distance and activities from the forest as we prepare for gorilla tracking. 13 Days Tanzania Safari 

Day 11: Kibuye – Volcanoes National Park

Transfer from Kibuye to the Volcanoes National Park. It is possible to visit the local people or the pygmies along the way. Volcanoes National Park is a unique jungle with many monkey species, including the endemic Golden Monkeys. Volcanoes National Park is part of the Virunga Mountains, covering Uganda, Rwanda and Congo, and one of the two places in the world where you can find Mountain Gorillas!

Day 12: Volcanoes National Park

Today is the day…Gorilla tracking!!! Early morning departure with your ranger to search for one of the world’s most interesting and endangered mammals, the Mountain Gorillas! You will spend one hour with one of Africa’s closest relatives. An experience you will never forget.

Day 13: Volcanoes National Park – Kigali

After breakfast drive to Kigali for your outbound flight.

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